Emmerik Leijten, PhD-soon-to-be

Welcome! This website contains information related to Emmerik's PhD defense.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions the actual thesis defense will (likely) be a small ceremony without the possibility for a party afterwards. Nonetheless you can watch the PhD defense using the livestream link below (16:00-17.30) and (maybe) a short PhD movie we prepared for Emmerik. His PhD thesis PDF can be downloaded from the link below, and if you would like to contribute towards a gift you can contribute via the link below (until 29-June 2021).

Feel free to email or contact us if you have any other questions via email or whatsapp (click on the icons) Many thanks!
Luuk & Alsya (paranymphs)

Say "Gefeliciteerd!" to Emmerik
Do you want to leave a congratulatory message for Emmerik? Or you just want to say hi?
Feel free to leave your message using the form below: